Online Registration:
We will be using TeamSnap for all Team Communication, Registration & Uniform Orders
High School (9th-12th) - FREE Registration CLICK HERE
Junior High School (7th-9th) - FREE Registration CLICK HERE
Youth Program (K-6th grade) $100 Annual Registration CLICK HERE
*Includes free tournaments that we will go to as a team.
*Open enrollment all year
******For the youth level: Purchase your gear anytime here: Click Here
*******Only the singlet is a requirement for the youth team and only if you plan to compete.
NOTE: We do not turn anyone away. If you have any questions about registration or you need help with payment, please contact Coach Sola at dsola@bcsaintswrestling.com
NOTE: There are singlets and other outgrown gear turned in and available free every year. If you have outgrown gear, please bring it in to practice to be donated.
You can register at anytime by completing the online registration, even up to the first day of practice (or after). However, if you want your gear order in time for the first tournament, please register online by October 14th.
We will be practicing at Berks Catholic High School in our new wrestling room (955 E. Wyomissing Blvd. Reading, Pa 19611)
High School and Junior High practices will start on November 17th, Elementary the week of November 27th
(practice schedule is subject to change based on size of registration)
-Novice and Intermediate practice times TBD (At BCHS)
-Advanced Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-8pm
-Junior High 5-6:30pm
-High School 3-5pm